在走進KMDI(Krav Maga Defence Institute)的前一星期,就已經跟朋友探過路,確認道館的位置,並且為了瞭解狀況,先前也多次與KMDIE-MAIL的信件往來,其實,是希望能夠把相關資訊先確認,省的面臨最頭痛的大量英語對談……

When I joined KMDI(Krav Maga Defence Institute) member ago, I walked to KMDI before one week, it has already been exploration with my friend, to confirm the location of gym. And in order to understand the situation, many times previously and sent E-MAIL to KMDI did the correspondence. In fact, I wish I could confirm all information, that maybe I did not need to get the biggest problem~ English conversation ......



終於,在8/25這一天,正式加入了KMDI,可以在澳洲遊學之餘,不至於中斷KRAV MAGA的訓練。

Finally, in 25th August 2015, officially joined KMDF, I could learn more Krav Maga in Australia, and would not interrupt KRAV MAGA training.



I remember first time into KMDI sign up, I was extremely stressful ! This is not the language school, Because there had people of different nationalities in the language school, I could spoke bad English to communicate. Here were almost local Australians, they spoke fluently English ! Listen was very difficult for me. Sure enough, I had to used APP translation software, barely completed the registration process.



KMDI場地很大,有兩個訓場足夠讓兩個班級的學員同時上課,訓練器材及設施完善。到了這裡我才知道,原來澳洲有這麼多人在練KRAV MAGA,有時候,一堂課會有接近30名學員上課。

KMDI has big space, there are two sites could training Krav Maga. Here training equipment and facilities are complete. In Australia, has had a lot of people training KRAV MAGA.



這裡有許多的優秀教練,分別負責指導學員不同的課程,非常感謝Roen, Madoc, Jarrod教練們這段日子的指導。

KMDI has many excellent instructors, they were teach the different courses. I am very grateful Roen, Jarrod and Madoc for guide me. You are all superb instructors !







因為有你們的指導,我才能在11月通過升級考試,拿到第一級的證書,並在今年6月回國前夕,通過了第二級的升級考試,在這10個月訓練期間,讓自己的KRAV MAGA升了兩級,應該是我在澳洲的最大成就!

Thank you very much for teaching me, let me upgraded to fighter 1 last November, and upgraded to fighter 2 in May. During this ten months, I was really happy. And I had a sense of achievement.



Although the training was very tired but it was jubilant. When after language class, I went to KMDI did Krav Maga almost every weekday. Though it was tired to me but it was beatific. The most important is I met a lot of good friends!


Blossom is my first friend and partner in KMDI.



Zoe is a beautiful Canton girl.

(Sorry, Zoe ! I do not have picture with you.)

Vivian is a special friend. I like your greeting !



Isuru is a kind friend.



Bruce is a strong Korea soldier.



Shao is my good friend, I really like to drink your tea !



Nydia is a cute and try hard girl.






I miss you a lot !!!

I think, we will meet again in the future!





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